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Saturday, August 25, 2007


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after the clause below:

... the Olympic Games in Beijing are finally over ...
1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause

Note: you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the 2006/2007 archive in the side bar.


Anonymous said...

1. Use a phrase

- Completed and ready for another, the Olympic games in Beijing are finally over.

2. Use a dependent clause

- The Olympic games in Beijing are finally over when all the medals have been won.

3. Use an Independent clause

- The Olympic games in Beijing are finally over and all the contestants can now start making their way back home.

Veronica Baig said...

Dave: #1 reads as though the games will be in Beijing again. #2--good; #3--good apart from the punctuation;-)

Anonymous said...

1. Use a phrase
The Olympic Games in Beijing are finally over now something else can be on TV.

2. Use a dependent clause
The Olympic Games in Beijing are finally over when the closing ceremonies where performed.

3. Use an independent clause
The Olympic Games in Beijing are finally over and now the Chinese government can concentrate on other issues.

Veronica Baig said...

Satvinder: #1--that is an independent clause. #2--good, but don't confuse "where" and "were"; #3--good.