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Monday, March 30, 2009

PUZZLE, Mar. 30th, 2010

Previous puzzle: Suggested answers
1. BO--- BOARD 2. BO---BORED 3. BO--BORN 4. -BO--ABOVE

New Puzzle:
When beheading a word, remove the first letter and still have a valid word. The clue for, longer of the two words is first (behead the first word).
Example: a. Begin b. Sour, acidic Answer: Start and Tart.

1. a. Mark left after healing..... b. Vehicle
2. a. To have hit..................... b. Vehicle
3. a. Intelligent ....................... b. Individual store
4. a. Tiny .............................. b. Large retail complex
5. a. Take illegally ................. b. Bluish green
6. a. Clean the floor .............. b. Cry
7. a. Expressed in words .......b. Give assistance
8. a. Talk ............................. b. Highest level; summit


Joanne said...

1. Scar and Car
3. Smart and Mart
5. Steal and Teal
7. Said and Aid

I thought I would save some for someone else.

Veronica Baig said...

JOANNE: Good, but if someone else doesn't finish this sooon, go for it!

Joanne T said...

2. Struck and Truck
4. Small and Mall
6. Sweep and Weep
8. Speak and Peak

Veronica Baig said...

JOANNE: Good for you!