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Thursday, December 11, 2008


Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) the clause below:

The fluffy snowflakes fell slowly from the sky.

1. Use a phrase
2. Use a dependent clause
3. Use an independent clause

Note:you can still see previous Sentence Completion questions; they are posted in the archive in the side bar.


Joanne T said...

1. On the cold crip night, the fluffy snowflakes fell slowly from the sky.

2. The fluffy snowflakes fell slowly from the sky, onto my tongue.

3. The fluffly snowflakes fell slowly from the sky, and I was glad to be watching it from the warmth of my living room.

Tamara said...

Joanne: I think you meant "crisp" in #1, right? There's still not a dependent clause in #2. #3 is perfect!

Anastasia said...

Use the type of clause, phrase, or grammar indicated to complete the following sentence; you can add the phrase or clause before or after (not both) the clause below:

1) In December the fluffy snowflakes fell slowly from the sky.

2) When it snowed, fluffy snowflakes fell slowly from the sky.

3) Fluffy snowflakes fell slowly from the sky, and I marvelled in the beauty of it all.